ABRE PUERTAS: Aprende Inglés y Alcanza tus Metas
Luchar por comunicarte puede detenerte en la vida que deseas. Conexión Mid-South está aquí para ayudarte a superar las barreras del idioma y construir un futuro más brillante.
Conexión Mid-South, un nuevo centro comunitario de Mid-South Christian College, está dedicado a servir a la comunidad hispana en Parkway Village. Este marzo, lanzaremos clases de inglés para hispanohablantes adultos para ayudarte a:
Ganar confianza al hablar, leer y escribir en inglés.
Navegar con facilidad en el trabajo, la escuela y la vida diaria.
Abrir puertas a mejores oportunidades laborales, educativas y de participación comunitaria.
Entendemos que no saber inglés puede hacer que incluso las tareas simples se sientan abrumadoras. Por eso nuestras clases están diseñadas para adaptarse a tu nivel, en un ambiente de apoyo con instructores experimentados.
¿Listo para comenzar tu camino?
Las clases cuestan $55 por trimestre (8 semanas de clases) y están abiertas a los hispanohablantes adultos que deseen mejorar su inglés. El cupo es limitado, así que reserve su lugar ahora.
Las clases se dictan todos los martes y viernes (del 18 de marzo al 9 de mayo) de 6:00 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. o todos los sábados (del 22 de marzo al 10 de mayo) de 10 a.m. a 1:30 p.m.

¿Tiene preguntas? Envíe un mensaje de texto o llame al 901-279-1290.
When do classes start?The first class begins on August 14, 2023. Students can begin their program in the Fall Semester (Aug. 14, 2023) or in the Spring Semester (Jan. 16, 2024). Click here for a complete Graduate Academic Calendar for 2023/2024.
Can I study online?The graduate programs are offered in a hybrid format, with much of the instruction taking place online. Online components will include Zoom meetings, online forums, and both asynchronous and synchronous content. Each semester (twice a year) students will be required to attend a week of in-person activities on campus. This week will include research opportunities, keynote presentations from professors on significant issues, as well as student presentations of written compositions.
How long is each course?Each course takes 8 weeks to complete. Students will only take one course per 8 week session. There will be one week off before the next course begins.
How long is the full degree program?Both the Master and Doctoral programs have 10 courses. The traditional format of two semesters per year, with two courses per semester would require two and half years to complete the degree. However, there is an accelerated format that would include an 8 week summer session. If a student takes two courses in the Fall Semester, two courses in the Spring Semester, and one course in the Summer session, the full degree program can be completed in two years.
How much does it cost?Tuition and Fees (excluding textbooks) for each course is $957.50 for the Master of Christian Ministry degree, and $1,017.50 for the Doctor of Ministry degree. Click here for the total cost of the Master program and the Doctor program.
Do I have to pay the full amount when I register, or can I make monthly payments?Each course can be paid in two equal monthly payments, the first payment due before the course begins, and the second payment due 30 days later. Students will not be allowed to enroll in a course if they still owe from previous courses.
Are scholarships available?No in-house scholarships are currently available. However, students might find scholarships available from other sources, and students are certainly encouraged to ask their churches or ministries to help fund their further education.
How much do the textbooks cost?Textbook costs vary from course to course, but the average cost per course is $140.
What happens if I can’t finish a course? Can I get a refund?If after the second week of a course you realize you need to drop the course, you can be refunded one half of your first payment. However, after the second week of classes there is no refund available.
Can international students obtain an F-1 Student Visa to enroll in the graduate program?We have requested authorization from the Department of Homeland Security to include these programs in our approved list for F-1 visas. The request is currently being adjudicated by the DHS. As soon as approval is received we will be able to process I-20’s for the graduate programs. However, you may go ahead an apply to be accepted into the program now, but we will have to await approval from DHS before we can process an application for a Student Visa.
What if my Bachelor’s Degree is not from a Biblical or Theological institution? Can I still enroll in the Masters program?Yes, as long as you have an earned Bachelor’s Degree you can apply for admission to the Master of Christian Ministry program.
What if my Masters Degree is not from a Biblical or Theological institution? Can I still enroll in the DMin program?Yes, you can enroll in the DMin program on a conditional acceptance. However, you will be required to complete 12 hours of Biblical/Theological, or Ministry, plus 3 hours of Hebrew and 3 hours of Greek. These 18 hours of course requirements can be completed at Mid-South Christian College before beginning the Doctoral program courses.
Can I transfer credits from another graduate program?Yes, up to 50% of equivalent master’s or doctoral level course credits can be transferred into the appropriate degree program at Mid-South Christian College. However, in order for credits to be transferred the student must have obtained at least a B- grade in the course.
How much does it cost to apply and what are the admission requirements?There is no cost to apply! You will need to provide official transcripts of undergraduate and/or graduate course work. You will also need three references, a congregational endorsement, and a written essay. Click here to see the full admission requirements for the Master’s Degree or the Doctor of Ministry degree.