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Library Handbook

(LAST UPDATED 7/28/13)


The Mission

The mission of the W. H. Griffin Memorial Resource Center is to support the study of the Scriptures and uphold the mission of the college by providing a comprehensive facility for the storage, retrieval, analysis, and distribution of information.


The Resource Center provides more than 15,000 items (print and non-print), with access to additional volumes in the nearby Memphis Public Library and The University of Memphis, and other college libraries. The library provides materials for study, personal and spiritual growth and for enjoyment.


The Purpose

This handbook denotes the policies whereby the library facilities may be used and materials circulated. Please retain your copy of this handbook for future reference.



The library fee of $6 a credit hour will go to pay for the upkeep and repairs of books and audio visual aids. This is also to go towards the purchase of new books. As students you have an invested interest in the library, use it.


Hours of Operation

Library will be closed during Chapel and all meals.


Circulation Policies

1. Circulating Items

All regular materials circulate. These are found in the library stacks area. Non-Circulating materials are reference works, and materials placed on hold by a professor.


2. Check-out procedures

To check out any items, you must present your student ID card that has your student ID number on it. The library staff on duty will have you sign your name to the card while the book is checked out of the library computer. Under no circumstance may you check out a book with out a library staff member being present.


3. Circulation periods

Five books may be checked out for two weeks and may be renewed in not in demand. For credit students only, auditors are not able to check out books.

Audiotapes, videotapes, DVDs and vertical files, and periodicals may be checked out for 3 days.


No books will be due during a break in the school schedule. Books normally due within the time school is not in session will instead be due the week following a school break. This does not include breaks between semesters. Students should check the date due slip in their books to determine the day they should be returned.

All books are due in before the end of the semester. Failure to turn in books will result in the maximum fine, and transcripts and grades will not available, until fines are paid and books returned.


Faculty members enjoy the privilege of extended circulation of library materials. This privilege is not extended to any other members of the college family (students, staff members, alumni) without prior approval of the librarian. At the close of each semester faculty members will be asked to return books, if the material is needed for preparation for the next semester approval must be granted before materials can be checked out.


4. Check in procedure

Materials are to be returned to the library, and the material given to a library staff member. Do not place in mailbox unless special permission is given. Until the library staff has it, you are still responsible for the material, even if left in mailboxes. Once the material is turned in, it is removed from the library software as checked out and returned to circulation with the name of last user black marked out in accordance to the privacy laws.


5. Late and Lost materials

Materials returned after the due date will incur fines of $.20 each day, with a maximum fine of $4 per item, after this amount the book is assumed lost.

Lost materials are the responsibility of the user. In lieu of fines on such materials, the student will be charge the cost of the material plus $10 (cost of processing each time). If a lost book is not longer in print, an approximate cost of replacement plus the $10 will be charged.


Students are also financially liable for unnecessary damage to property or equipment in the library. Books or other materials damaged by students will have fees levied.


Any student with an outstanding balance of library fines or items overdue material will not be allowed to check out books from the library until the matter is cleared. These students can use the library but under no circumstances will they check out library materials until the matter has been resolved. Remember, the library is your investment to productive college education, use it wisely.


Location of Materials

Books are arranged according to their Dewey decimal classification number. The online card catalog computer is located at the circulation desk. The card catalogs a listing of all materials in the library.


The library server computer must be on to gain access to online card catalog. The card catalog computer automatic loads the Auto Librarian software. The password is located on the monitor of the computer. This only allows access to the search section of the card catalog. The access to the library server computer is limited to library staff only.


Searches can be performed by author, title, subject, or keyword search.


When searching for title: Omit the words: A, An, and The, from the title. Example: An Introduction to the New Testament Survey by Tenney would be found as Introduction to the New Testament Survey.


When searching for author: use Authors last name first.


When searching for subject: type in the subject you are looking for, example: Church History. This will pull up all books with Church History as the subject. If you are searching for a book of the Bible, type the word Bible first, then O.T. or N.T., and then the book of the Bible before you click on search. If you only enter the book of the Bible, it will not give you a large selection.


When searching using keyword search: You can start out broad; look through all authors, titles, and subjects for a specific word. Alternatively, narrow the search to just subject or title. Currently there are over 17,000 words in the key word search database.


The Dewey decimal classification begins with the smallest numbers first 001 and ends with the largest 900. Since we read from left to right the numbers are arranged from left to right the left side of the library, baseball field side, begins the 001’s for both circulation and reference.


The Dewey system is the numerical order of books; however, the author’s last name is listed under the Dewey number.


Example: 201 Dewey Number ART Authors last name

There are also other initials above the Dewey number, depending on the book. A/V Audio Visual DVD, Audiotapes, CD ROMs, VHS tapes REF Reference Reference books VF Vertical File articles, booklet, newsletter, mission info. ARC Archive Books older than 1929 PER Periodical Magazines JUV Juvenile Children’s material FIC Fiction Fiction book


The initials below the author’s initials represent:

SPA Spanish All books written in Spanish Spanish books have orange dots on the spines. WKBK workbooks LG Leader’s Guides 19?? Year of this edition if there is multiple editions STBK Student Book TG Teachers guide Vol. Volume number for a series of books OS Over sized book, which will be located on a seperate area


When using books or other material from our collection, please do not reshelf, even if you do not plan to check it out, do not reshelf it. Instead, leave them on a table for library staff members to reshelf. This will keep the library in better order and will give us a better idea of what is being used.


Vertical file material is located directly across library office door, in the filing cabinets. These materials include articles, professor notes, booklets, Mission newsletters, maps, conference notes, etc. These items can be checked out for 3 days. Photocopying this material is allowed, but for personal use only. Current newsletters are located in the hanging folders at the end of the center shelving section.


Reference materials are located along the north wall. These books may not be removed from the library. Photocopying this material is allowed, but for personal use only.


Periodical materials are located in the center of the library. These materials are magazines the library has had or currently has subscription too. These items can be checked out for 3 days. These are great resources for papers, and are usually the most current information on certain topics. Photocopying this material is allowed, but for personal use only. Current periodicals are located at the end of the center shelving section.


Students interested in checking out A/V materials should check with library staff. These materials can be checked out for 3 days. Copying these, materials are not permissible by law.


All reserve books (those placed on reserve by a professor for a specific class, including textbooks) are located behind library circulation desk. Check with library staff on duty for these items. There is a 4- hour check out limit on books. If there is no demand for the book, the time can be extended. Library fine for overdue reserve books are higher.


Facility and Equipment Usage

No Food is allowed in library. Drinks that have lids are permitted, but you are asked to use precautions.


The copier is located near the periodicals and is available for $.10 per copy. The library staff has limited change for the copier. The printer is located in computer lab. If there are any problems with the printer, seek library staff to fix the issues.


Study carrels are for individual quiet study. Upon request, students may reserve one of these carrels and may leave their study materials on the desk and shelf areas. See the library staff to exercise this privilege.


Please be considerate when using your cell phone in the library.


The computers in the library are available for students to use for typing papers and accessing the Internet. There are limited computers, so please be respectful of other students and the sharing of the computers. All students using computers must fill in the computer use logs. WiFi is available throughout building.

The Mission
The Purpose
Hours of Operation
Circulation Policies
Location of Materials
Facility and Equipment Usage
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